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Ideas For Construction Company News Articles

Special offers & promotions

If you’re short of news then be like those sports shops who are always having sales because it gives you an excuse to add news to your site. Write news about your upcoming promotion, then more news when the promotion starts. When the promotion is nearly finished write about too, and then write news about the promotion being extended due to popular demmand. You get the idea. Don’t be afraid to be specific too because customers love specific offers if it suits their needs. For example, instead of running a promotion about “free quotes this week for household electics” try a promotion about “free quotes this week for upgrading household lighting systems to LED”. The more specific the promotion, the more opportunities you create for adding to the company news.

Recently finished projects

Don’t worry if you already have a recently finished project listed elsewhere on your site, add it to the news too and include a link too so that viewers can go read more info about it if they want. Having pictures of the completed project is ideal but don’t worry if that’s not possible because you’ll still benefit from showing that you regularly carry out building jobs in a certain area.

Of course if you’ve donated a fortune in time, materials, or money to a local charity then obviously you want to make a big fuss of that in your website news, but even a modest donation deserves a mention. Completed a 10 minute job for a good cause and didn’t charge for it? You should write about that. Donated a bottle of wine to be a prize for a charity raffle? Write about that too. Anything at all that connects you to a charity or good local cause should be included in your company news.

Taking on new team members

This doesn’t have to be a full BBC style interview and photo shoot, in fact it’s probably best if you keep it simple because simple news is easier and faster to write. Just a friendly welcome message and a brief overview of the new guy’s skills is more than enough, in fact you don’t even need a photo of them if they don’t want to be photographed. Remember that the main benefit of this kind of news article is that customer can see that you are acquiring new skills and are so popular with other customers you need more hands on deck to get all the work done.

Awards and nominations

This one may seem obvious but always write about any sort of industry award or nomination your company receives. News items such as these are perfect for your website because they serve as proof that you are professionals who will deliver a good job. And if the award comes from any recognizable figure or person of authority that’s even better because you’ll get some instant credibility and reflected glory.

Starting jobs in new areas

A short news article about how you’re “starting a new door fitting project in Woking” will probably take minutes to write and might land you some more similar jobs in the same area. This can be a crafty way to expand your business into new areas by selectively writing news articles about whatever jobs and areas you are targeting.

Latest marketing campaigns

If you’ve spent some time getting leaflets designed and dropped round the local area then why take a photo of one and add it as a news item. Make sure you include the names of the areas where the leaflets were delivered as it’ll all help towards your SEO ranking.