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Write About Your Projects For Instant Content

Write About Your Projects For Instant Content

When you’re building a website for your construction company and are thinking up ideas for keyword rich content to help drive traffic to your site, look no further than writing about your projects. This is a great strategy for a number of reasons and is often overlooked by small business owners and writers for building company websites. Here’s a few reasons why you should consider investing a little time into writing about your projects and a few pointers to how you might go about it.

Writing about your projects is often easier than writing articles

Good articles have to be planned out and researched and there’s usually a considerable amount of time that goes in to making them, but writing about your projects usually comes much easier and that makes it a low hanging fruit for adding valuable SEO content to your website.

Why is it easier? Because when writing about a project you can just describe the kind of job that you’re doing and where you’re doing it similar to how you would describe a job to another tradesman who asks what you’re up to, or to a customer asking about similar jobs you’ve done in the past. It’s already something you’ve likely done a thousand times before so you’ll find it easier and faster to write about.

Plus articles about your projects are likely to always be short and sweet because there will a natural limit to how much you can write about them. Articles on the other hand have a habit of growing into huge pieces of content filled with details making them harder to write and less likely to be finished.

You can stuff them with location keywords

A short article about how a carpentry company completed a project to hang a load of fire doors in a local library provides plenty of opportunity for using location specific keywords and getting your site found by anyone who needs a door hung in the same area, and when they do find it they will see that you are offering the exact service they need (eg doors hung in their town).

This wouldn’t be possible (or at least not as easy) if you were to write a regular article instead because it would be about the doors themselves instead of the fact that you installed them in a certain place.

It’s OK to repeat yourself

Imagine you’re a bricklayer and wanted to produce an article to get more business in your local area. You could write 10 articles about different types of brickwork but it’d probably be tricky to write and would look like you’ve just rehashed the same article over and over. But if you had 10 articles about 10 different projects it looks fine, even if the type of brickwork you use is identical.

Projects are expected to be similar whereas articles are expected to be unique so it’s perfectly OK to repeat yourself. This can actually be a good thing in some cases because it shows you specialise are used to delivering a certain type of job which is great if the viewer happens to want that job done.

Pictures are not a problem

You’ll probably want to include some pictures when you write about your projects and thankfully getting them should be a piece of cake because you can just whip your phone out and snap whatever you need - way easier than buying stock photos or finding suitable ones on the internet.

You wouldn’t think that finding photos for your articles would be a problem but it can be harder than you expect, especially when illustrating something specific that requires just the right kind of photo. But when you’re writing about your projects it’s not a problem.

You can answer customer’s questions before they ask them

Let’s say you run a fencing business and a customer lands on your website. This customer needs a particular type of fencing installed at a residential address, how does he know that you can do the job? One way is for him to look through all the pages on the site and eventually find all the info he needs (such as a list which includes the type of fencing, a banner than says you do residential jobs, and a page of all the locations you cover). Or he could have a look at your projects page and see you’ve installed the same type of fence several times in the local area. It’s a shortcut to answering his question about your services.

If you’re smart about the kind of projects you write about you may find that an incomming lead gets turned into a quote, and then into a paying job much faster because the customer already knows that you can provide the service he needs.

Ready to write about your projects? Here are some tips

Because we recommend writing about your building and construction projects as a great way to increase SEO ranking and traffic to your website, here’s an article to give you some tips for getting started. It’s got a checklist you can use and is full of ideas for writing great articles about your projects.